Friday, December 17, 2010

PLO and snow snow snow

Lol sorry for dumb title just flows if u read it right, p l o snow snow snow, pauses. Anyways, as the title insists I was able to get in some plo over wed night and thursday because I had a snow day at my job yay, but had to work one of my last days at other job boo. Well anyway wednesday night I was playing 3 table, (i like 3-4 with plo because Im still learning) and I was breaking even for the most part until I caught a mini heater and was up like 6 bucks I think. Which is a buy-in in about and hour and a half. Anyways there was this short stacker 2 dollar buy in hack whose name I cannot remember but I have it written down at home something like ballzbozak or something. Well he has two bucks and I have qq10j 10 j of hearts and I raise it to .17 and he makes it .30. So I decide to call just me and him to the flop. It comes q39 rainbow. Great flop for me I check, he bets, I decide he has aces and prolly thinks hes good for sure I push he calls and I win. Pretty standard for a 40bb buy in. Well he berates me and everyone else that beats him over and over. Calling me and others a donk and telling us how much we suck and everything. It was funny because he kept losing and he calls people donks we are play .2-.5 plo we are all donks, otherwise I'd play 1-2. Anyways, i looked him up yesterday and he was yelling at his other 2 tables too it was funny. Anyways I played 2 tables for an hour yesterday and went on a tear. I mean I would get it all in either them drawing dead or 90-10 and was holding everytime. I won 27 bucks in an hour, which is 5 buyins at 2 tables which is sick. so 2 days 6 buyins Ill take it. I then worked and came home to play civ rev with friends and I am a wrecking crew at that game. I nuked and sent people to space then I got an economic victory. I learn really quick at turn based strategies and they had no chance even though they have been playing for a month. Ok well I have a fun/busy weekend planned so have fun all and I prolly wont see u at that tables.

Thanks bung

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