Last night I got home from work, ran some arrands and let the poker begin. First of all if anyone that ever accidently reads this plays .02-.05 omaha and has played with I feel sleepy please leave a comment. He's this goldstar player that plays like 10 tables, and takes like 12 seconds per decision. Not like oh man he's got a big call to make here either, its like he's folding preflop, and he literally makes all his tables of 6max have like 60 hands per hour max. It's frustrating, luckily since I'm playing only two tables I try to select around him get in more hands. Anyways, last night I played for about 75 minutes or so and i play 100bbs I won about 13 bucks in 155 hands or basically 2 and a half buy-ins. Im happy and im now up 5 buyins in 3 sessions. The only hand I remember the most was something like this: I get AcAs2c10s and raise it to .17 from the button. The bb reraises to about 40 and everyone folds to me, I call. The flop comes 4c 7c Ah. He bets I reraise, and he goes all in I call. He has 7 6 5 4 and is basically drawn dead to a 8 5 6 3 not club and if a club comes or board pairs good game. Im not sure what he thinks I have on the flop but that was a risky move imo. anyways Kc comes gg double up, lol then he doubles me up on my other table and quits. It was so funny how bad he was and I obviously didnt say anything like some idiots do, I dont like to scare the fish! Anyways, it was a good night in the poker playing world, Im going on my weekend trip leaving tonight Ill probably play a few sessions at my buddies apartment between drinks.
Thanks Bung
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