Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The kiss of death

Something that my friends and I noticed while being out of town over the weekend and going out everynight, and them trying to get laid was the true signs a girl is not havin it.
1. She looks at her friend when you dance behind her for approval and the friends makes a not so optimal face, or a look for yourself gesture.
2. She won't do the fish hook in the mouth when you are clearing doing the fisherman real her in dance (my buddies favorite and one of his only moves.)
3. She asks you to buy her a drink.
4. She is going in and out of different clubs on the same strip and back to the same club your in a few times.
5. When her friend looks like Clay Matthews, or when she wears a red dress the cool aid man, they get jealous because the hotter one.
6. This is the worst of them all because its the KISS OF DEATH!!!! We noted that if a girl or pack of girls (not sure what the term for group of clubbing girls is so lets go with a Flow of Hoes) is dancing and drinking with your friends all night and some of them are starting to make out and or dance more aggressively it seems like things might be moving forward for you until this happens: A. you get their numbers and say hey were going back to his place to keep partying you wanna come, or B. You get in their car to go back to your or their place and they say the following, "Hey, were gonna get some food do you want any?" You should just cut your losses and go to sleep, because the food makes them quit drinking, gassy or feeling fat. Especially taco bell, I think there's something they put in those dog food tacos that make girls like insta turned off. I saw it happen to my friends twice this weekend, ha and the one I brought down bought a 3 pack of condoms, I think its was karma for being to cocky. Well, back to work just updating like I said I would.

C ya bung

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